Business Partner Resources

Whether you’re considering submitting an opportunity for students as a partner or have already been submitting opportunities on the virtual opportunity board, here are some resources that may be helpful to you!

Business Partner Opportunity Guide 

The Clearinghouse for Work-based Learning is the central hub where businesses can connect with K-12 Schools and post work-based and career exploration learning opportunities. Explore all opportunity types and strategies to engage in our Business Partner’s Opportunity Guide: Clearinghouse for Work-based Learning.  

Department of Education WBL Resources

Iowa Department of Education Work-Based Learning site The Iowa Department of Education has a wide range of free resources to download that cover experiences across the entire work-based learning continuum. From authentic projects to job shadows and school-based enterprises to internships, this site has something for everyone.

Iowa Career Pathway Mapping Projects The Iowa Department of Education offers robust and informative career pathways resources across almost every industry or career cluster to help students, educators and other stakeholders not only better understand the types of careers available in Iowa, but also what to expect in terms of wages, job duties, education requirements and much more. A total of nine pathways are available, such as Advanced Manufacturing, Energy, Information Technology and Health Science.

 Iowa Workforce Development WBL Resources

Earn and Learn Registered Apprenticeship Program Connect high school students to registered apprenticeship opportunities and explore the playbook here

Business Partner Toolkit for Sustained Projects

Read through our business partner toolkit for a full run-through of everything you’ll need to know about submitting an authentic learning project for students. Learn about the process, how your business can benefit, how you can help students, and more. You’ll also find tips and guidelines to help you make your student project a success.

Other Resources

Below are other resources you may find useful. Please contact us if you know of a resource that would be great to add to this list. 

Check out the Communications Resources page for Fact Sheets, FAQ and lots more!

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Site Coordinator

For site support or getting started, contact Laura Williams at