CAM (Tree in the Road)

Logo for Tree in the Middle of the Road
A 100 foot tall, 18 foot diameter, cottonwood tree towers in the middle of two gravel roads, which marks the border of Cass and Audubon Counties. Planted as a sprout in 1850 to mark the county line during the Civil War, this tree has now grown into a massive small town attraction. People have come from miles around to see “The Tree in the Middle of the Road.” When thinking of a potential logo, we immediately thought of this small town icon. This magnificent tree is located near our school and we’ve been visiting it for as long as we can remember. The logo shows the different seasons with the different colored leaves and portrays the placement of the tree in the middle of two gravel roads to make nature’s roundabout.
There was no previous logo.

Peyton – CAM Community School District (senior)


Posted on

April 21, 2021